If you experience dental anxiety, our dentists may recommend nitrous oxide sedation to help you feel more at ease. Nitrous oxide is a mild sedative and helps to manage fear and anxiety so that you can receive the care you need without difficulty or stress. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Don Walley or Dr. Glenda Walley and learn more about nitrous oxide in Counce, Tennessee, and surrounding areas, including Savannah and Adamsville, Tennessee, and Corinth and Iuka, Mississippi, call Pickwick Family Dental Care today at 731-689-3627.

Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen gas. It is inhaled through a nose mask to relieve discomfort and help you feel more relaxed and calm during your treatment. This type of sedation is a form of “conscious” sedation, meaning that you do not fall asleep while receiving it. However, many patients who receive nitrous oxide report a floating or euphoric feeling.

Nitrous oxide is very safe. However, our team will monitor you throughout your entire visit to ensure that you remain safe and comfortable. The effects of your sedation treatment will wear off within a few minutes after you stop inhaling, allowing you to legally and safely drive yourself home.

We invite you to call our office today for more information about nitrous oxide and to schedule your consultation with our caring dentists.