Looking at the many celebrities and beautiful people in the world, it is easy to wish that we had a more vivid or striking smile. At Pickwick Family Dental Care, we aim to offer treatment options that can give you a beautiful, picture-perfect smile that you will love showing off to your friends and family. One of the treatment options offered by Drs. Don Walley and Glenda Walley is dental veneers.

What Is a Dental Veneer?
A dental veneer is a thin shell typically made of porcelain or resin material and is used to enhance the smile and hide cosmetic imperfections in the teeth. The veneer is bonded to the front of the teeth, giving you a beautiful, natural-looking result.

Porcelain dental veneers are a popular choice, as the porcelain material can match the natural color and translucence of tooth enamel. It is also stain-resistant, giving you a beautiful smile that will last for years. Resin veneers are commonly used as well and are popular for their ability to match the natural color of the teeth.

What Can a Veneer Do for Me?
Our dentists and team may recommend that you get veneers as a solution to any of the following cosmetic flaws:

  • Large spaces and gaps between the teeth
  • Severely stained or discolored teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Broken, chipped, or fractured teeth

If you are interested in getting dental veneers in Counce, Tennessee, and surrounding areas, including Savannah and Adamsville, Tennessee, and Corinth and Iuka, Mississippi, we recommend calling our office at 731-689-3627 to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you smile more confidently!